Sunday, December 6, 2009

Let It Be Said of Us

It has been 6 months since I moved home to Butler from completing my internship at Disney and finishing college. Wow, time sure flies! It seems as though I move to Florida just yesterday and that graduation just occurred. Moving home has been difficult for a variety of reasons. Many changes happened while I was in college and away at Disney. However, I am so thankful for loving parents who have opened their arms and welcomed me back into their house after being gone for 4 years.

One of the changes has been especially hard to cope with. When I first moved to Anderson, I had the ability to do something I have never done before in my life: choose a church home. It was so nice to know that wherever I went, no one would know who I was, who my dad was, or try to be nice to me because of my dad's position. I finally chose a church home after my freshman year and loved being involved with the music and college program.

It has been interesting being at home. For my entire life, I equated being at home with going to a church every Sunday in which my father was the senior pastor. Whatever church he pastored, we were always in the building from early morning to late at night. Throughout my childhood, my family spent many hours working in the nursery, preparing special music for Sunday morning, or putting together bulletins and slideshows for worship. Going home this time was different. We no longer have a church home-and to make it even more interesting-we still live in the same town in which my father was a pastor. I have had a very difficult time learning to cope with not being "known" as the pastor's daughter.

I started attending a church somewhat regularly called Community Alliance Church. They have great worship, and their faith is so sincere. The doctrines that this church projects are not always equal to the ones that I grew up learning, but I know that the people are very genuine and love the Lord (which is the most important). Today, the pastor talked about a subject that struck me. He focused his sermon on living our salvation to the fullest. We were chosen as God's children, and who are we to walk around in contempt and depression about life's woes? God has given us one life to live, and He holds the master plan for my life in His hands. Life is never easy: it never has been (since the Fall of Man) and never will be (until the Second Coming). However, God chose me to be a blessing in this life and to bless others with the love, kindness, grace, and mercy He has given me so freely. At the end of the service, the pastor showed a video with the song "The Blessing" playing in the background. The song touched me immensly. I may not think that Butler, PA is where I need to be right now, but in God's master plan, He knows that this is the only place He wants me to be. So in the midst of it all, I will chose to be a blessing to those all around me.

Phillippians 4:11b "...for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances."

Look up this song on youtube or on i-tunes. It will make you think twice about the attitude you portray day to day! I know it did for me!

"Let it Be Said of Us" -John Waller
Let it be said of us while we walked among the living
Let it be said of us by the ones we leave behind
Let it be said of us that we lived to be a blessing for life

Let it be said of us that we gave to reach the dying
Let it be said of us by the fruit we leave behind
Let it be said of us that our legacy is blessing for life

This day you set life, you set death right before us, this day
Every blessing and curse is a choice now and we willchoose to be a blessing for life

Let it be said of us that our hearts belonged to Jesus
Let it be said of us that we spoke the words of life
Let it be said of us that our heritage is blessing for life

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