Monday, July 13, 2009

My Sister's Keeper

I haven't had the opportunity to post some recent activities, so I will include them all in one. On Saturday night, I met Mandy at the movies. We decided to go see the movie My Sister's Keeper, as we have both been talking about seeing it for a while. Some movies you go into not expecting to cry, but I have to say, this was I fully expected to be a downpour. It was quite a tearjerker, but in a good way. I won't give anything away to people who still want to see it, but the majority of the story focused on a family's struggle with having a child with cancer. The more that the story continued, the more I was overcome with strong feelings about the situation. I kept asking myself the questions-"Will I ever have to deal with a situation like this?" "If so, what would my response be?" "Life is so short, am I truly living everyday to the fullest?" I couldn't help but think that even though I don't have a full-time job or know the next step in my career, I am blessed with life. I am able to wake-up everyday, healthy, breathing, and energetic. Life, in its simplicity, is something to be truly thankful for.

After the movie, Mandy and I went to get something to eat. The place we went to was nice and had good food. We even ran into friends from the camp that I have worked at for the past 3 summers! We had a great time together, and have agreed to get together once a week and do a fun activity.

Yesterday, was a very relaxing day with a treat in the evening. The memory I have most of my summers in college have been our trips to Dairy Queen. Two or three times a week, my family will go to the Dairy Queen a couple miles away from my house and watch the sunset while eating ice cream. I love that memory of summer, and it helps me get through some of the coldest winter months!
Today was a day filled with errands. It was a very successful day, and I was able to get alot done. I continue to apply for jobs everday, hoping that something will come together. In the meantime, I am so excited for my brother and Margaret, as they have officially accepted a call to Savannah and will be moving there during the second week of August! 1 person employed, 2 to go!!

1 comment:

  1. I read that book in Florida and was seriously sobbing at the pool. I don't know if I could handle the movie. Can't wait to see you!
