A couple of nights ago, I was writing notes in my bed before going to sleep. All of a sudden, I heard a buzzing sound whiz past my head. I looked up, and there was a yellow jacket in my room!! Just like every girly-girl reaction, I jumped out of my bed, jiggled the door handle, and ran out of the room as fast as I could. I waltzed into my mom and dad's room, and graciously asked my father to remove the critter from my room (I am a little allergic to bee stings, so I was very cautious). Once we got in my room, we ended up killing three yellow jackets that night. My dad commented that he had been killing lots of them in the basement right next to his desk. Strange.
Yesterday, after a fuse blew in the morning, my dad headed downstairs to fix it in one of the extra bedrooms in the basement. The fuse box is built into the wall, so when opened, a view of the interior of the wall is visible. When he finished, he came upstairs and was a little shaken. He remarked that when he opened the fuse box, many yellow jackets flew out and he could see the beginning of a huge nest. We called the exterminator, and when he arrived, he confirmed how huge this nest was! The bee killer dawned his bee outfit and spent two hours removing the nest from the inside of our walls downstairs. After finishing, he came upstairs to tell us that the nest in our house was the biggest yellow jacket nest he has seen all summer! I sure am glad that it was removed!!
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