Sunday, May 3, 2009

Live to Worship

As of lately, I have been struggling with my calling in life. I have had doubts about remaining in Disney or attempting to look somewhere else to start my career. Converstations I have had with people here have led me to believe that maybe this isn't the place for me to start. I am still open to working and living down here if an opportunity occurs or a door opens, but I am beginning to broaden my search for God's true calling in my life. I've been concerned about bills, insurance, benefits, and simply a salary that would allow me to support myself. Above all, I have been truly wondering what God has in store for me and how I should live my life.

However, tonight I was running on the treadmill and it hit me. A song came on my iPod called "Live to Worship" by Joy Williams (one of my favorite Christian artists). The chorus of the song simply states,

"We will live to worship, give you praise with all our hearts for all our days. Father, we want to do what you created us to. We will live to worship to you."

It doesn't matter what kind of monetary value I put on life. It doesn't matter what I do or where I am. At the end of my day, the most important question I should be asking is, "Did I live to worship you today?" God created us and gave us one purpose-We are alive to worship Him. As long as I am genuinely seeking Him and living to worship and praise Him daily, it doesn't matter where I am or what kind of a job I have. In God's eyes, all He wants me to do is honor him in day-to-day activites and interactions with people. This concept seems so simple, but it can be so hard. During the upcoming months of uncertainty, I will be trying to keep this in the front of my mind. In order to get through this time in my life, I will have to keep in mind-I was created to worship Him and nothing should stand in my way!

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