To All of my Faithful Blog Readers,
This is my formal apology to you (all 3 of you). I know that throughout your daily activities, you often think, "I wonder what that Megan gril is up to in Disney World?" You can't wait to get home and check the blog around 11pm at night to see what I have been up to all day. You get your hopes up, type the website into the web address, and to your dismay, nothing new appears. You go to bed every night disappointed, distraught, and worried. You hardly get any sleep, waking up to go to work without a wink of shut-eye, all to be let down again and again every night. For this, I am completely sorry.
Seriously, just kidding.
But anyways, the past few weeks have been a bit busy. Between my graduation two weekends ago and Joe's this past weekend, I have been between Indianapolis and Orlando. Flying on airplanes has become my new hobby! However, I have enjoyed every single minute of it. I loved being back and seeing all of my beloved friends and family, and it makes me a little homesick. I was so thankful for all of the people that came to support me at my graduation ceremony, and even came to a little after-party cookout at the Shadday's house. Between the two graduations, I came back to Orlando to work at bit at Disney.
This past weekend, I was so blessed to be a part of Joe's graduation festivities from DePauw. I am so proud of eveything that he has and will accomplish, and we both kept saying how amazing it was that we are finished with our undergraduate degrees. When I look back, it's hard to remember a time in college when Joe wasn't there. We had a great time celebrating all of his achievements, and even found time to do a little planning for the wedding! I must say, I think Joe and I will have a great time planning this wedding :)
Once I got back from Indiana, I was immediatly busy with a long list of to-dos. Included in this list was moving into a new apartment for the second half of the college program. Even though I moved into the apartment directly above my original, it was still a hassel to shove things into boxes and take one flight of stairs. I finally have everything settled in and am enjoying getting to know my new roommates. I can't wait to feel "at home" and have everything put together.
I have made it my priority to keep my blog up-to-date from now on. No matter how busy I am, I promise to write at least something about my day or about a neat event that I experienced during the day.
This is my formal apology to you (all 3 of you). I know that throughout your daily activities, you often think, "I wonder what that Megan gril is up to in Disney World?" You can't wait to get home and check the blog around 11pm at night to see what I have been up to all day. You get your hopes up, type the website into the web address, and to your dismay, nothing new appears. You go to bed every night disappointed, distraught, and worried. You hardly get any sleep, waking up to go to work without a wink of shut-eye, all to be let down again and again every night. For this, I am completely sorry.
Seriously, just kidding.
But anyways, the past few weeks have been a bit busy. Between my graduation two weekends ago and Joe's this past weekend, I have been between Indianapolis and Orlando. Flying on airplanes has become my new hobby! However, I have enjoyed every single minute of it. I loved being back and seeing all of my beloved friends and family, and it makes me a little homesick. I was so thankful for all of the people that came to support me at my graduation ceremony, and even came to a little after-party cookout at the Shadday's house. Between the two graduations, I came back to Orlando to work at bit at Disney.
This past weekend, I was so blessed to be a part of Joe's graduation festivities from DePauw. I am so proud of eveything that he has and will accomplish, and we both kept saying how amazing it was that we are finished with our undergraduate degrees. When I look back, it's hard to remember a time in college when Joe wasn't there. We had a great time celebrating all of his achievements, and even found time to do a little planning for the wedding! I must say, I think Joe and I will have a great time planning this wedding :)
Once I got back from Indiana, I was immediatly busy with a long list of to-dos. Included in this list was moving into a new apartment for the second half of the college program. Even though I moved into the apartment directly above my original, it was still a hassel to shove things into boxes and take one flight of stairs. I finally have everything settled in and am enjoying getting to know my new roommates. I can't wait to feel "at home" and have everything put together.
I have made it my priority to keep my blog up-to-date from now on. No matter how busy I am, I promise to write at least something about my day or about a neat event that I experienced during the day.
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