Monday, February 2, 2009

Rainy Days and Mondays

I apologize for not keeping up-to-date for the past couple of days. I have been feeling ill and just started feeling better today. My fever broke two nights ago, and the body aches I was having are seeming to go away. Thank goodness! Another reason for my laziness has been my work schedule for the past two days. I have worked 11 hour days yesterday and today-officially working from 8:30am-7:30pm, but when you add in travel time, it ends up being about a 13 hour day. Crazy! It sure does wear you out! I have enjoyed talking to a variety of people I have come into contact with yesterday and today. Steelers fans were everywhere, which has been a great way to start conversations with guests. I do enjoy talking to people, hearing their unique stories, and discovering what they have come to Disney World to celebrate. However, today was a rare weather day in Florida where it rained ALL day. So, instead of being outside enjoying the sunshine and the wonderful people, I was stuck inside. Photographers are not allowed to shoot photos when it is raining, and it did rain steadily for a majority of the day. All in all, I officially "worked" taking photos for about 4 hours, but sat inside talking to other co-workers for the other 7 hours. Seems kind of pointless that I hardly worked but got paid for it all, doesn't it? I won't complain! I had a couple of guests ask me where the dome was over Disney World to keep the rain out. No, even though Disney is the happiest place on Earth, it is still affected by rain.

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