Saturday, January 31, 2009

Guest Service Appreciation

I apologize for the lack of blogging today and yesterday. I have been feeling ill and have slept the majority of the day after getting home from work. I worked an early shift today, beginning at 7:30am and ending at 2:00pm. The weather has been very chilly lately, with little signs of getting warmer. Everyday I wake up and say-Hello! I'm waiting for the warm weather! This is Florida! Despite how cold it was this morning, I had a nice thing happen to me today. Before leaving work today, my leader approached me with a slip of paper. He explained to me that I had received a guest service appreciation letter from a person visiting the parks within the past two days. On the slip, the guest wrote what I did to make their trip very magical and how I was a big help to them. I felt so happy that I had helped make someone's day! Not only did it make me happy, but my leader told me that this would go on my permanent record at Disney. If I ever applied for another job, my interviewer would see that I had been awarded this honor. On top of this, because of the recognition, I am now eligible for a drawing to win special prizes at the end of the month. Everyone that received a guest service appreciation slip in the month of January is put into a drawing and may win prizes like merchandise and Disney dollars. I am so glad that I was able to make someone's day very magical!

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